Monday, February 21, 2011

Grammy Recap

I've never really trusted the Grammy's since I was 10 and Boston lost Best New Artist to "Starland Vocal Band". Yup, you read it right, Boston loses to one hit wonderkings of "Afternoon Delight". So really Grammys haven't had cred in over 30+ years. I've never really gotten into watching the Grammys, and mostly because it seems artists are awarded not for great recordings but for #'s sold I mean "Wind beneath my Wings' Best song, whatever, ug. This year I watched since my boys (that's Muse to anyone who doesn't know me) were up for three awards. They've never been nominated before and though old fans argued that The Resistance (the album they were nominated for etc.) is not their best, I figured screw it, another chance to see them before they go off on a much deserved rest. So did I watch all of the show? Hell no, but from what I watched here are some comments:
1) Lady gaga, honestly Madonna wants her outfits and songs back. Oh, and you should find Sally Field to discuss how much people really really like you. When you're finished talking to the flying nun, I have a suggestion for you. Get over it, you were picked on, now you're rich, good for you. Move on.
2) Group dancing pretty much ended with Janet Jackson's "Rhythm Nation" video. Unless your last name is Jackson, don't do it. That means you Gaga, you Usher and anyone and everyone else
3) Um, there is a point when fiddles on the Grammy stage need to was an overabundance this year
4) Bob Dylan, I never got you, and can't say you've aged well like fine wine. Actually my ears begged me to change the channel once you started singing with the dueling banjo group and I did.
5)Um grammy producers, whoever thought dancers invoking "riot" moves during Muse's performance of Uprising was a good idea, as Mr. Trump would say "you're fired".
6) Matt Bellamy thanks for dousing my joy of you and the boys winning a Grammy (best rock album) by mentioning that blond slut in the audience, I'm talking to you Kate Hudson. Business vs. personal keep it separate. Freakin' Chris W's wife has had five kids and you don't see him having to thank her in public....
7) Babs...(forget this comment if you can't figure out who I'm talking about) Um, should have thought about that outfit a second time before putting it on
8) Michael Buble's shitty album won for best traditional pop-What? I mean I like this guy I saw him at Berklee years before he made it, but his last album was at best, great elevator music.
9) Finally.....can someone puhlease explain to me why G. Paltrow has to keep on trying to sing....your married to the guy in Coldplay. Sing to your kids at home, seriously....that's it....

Oscars next Sunday, and since I've seen about 1 1/2 of the movies nominated my comments will be fashion related.....

Thursday, February 17, 2011

A little Pick Me Up

My brain can't even begin to think in a coherent way right now, I'd love to say I'd talk about the Grammys (useless as always-except of course for Muse win) and American Idol (will someone PLEASE shut Steven Tyler up)...but I digress. I think today is just about trying to find the joy somewhere, for my sanity and for others around me. Well for me it's always Music that works for me..and for today it's this piece. A great energetic performer, Jaime Cullum has to be seen live to truly appreciate, but I hope and think this video shows some of the joyous enthusiasm he has in performing. Seeing the entire Orpheum up on it's feet dancing (even the precariously rocking balcony folks) was a great sight to see. He's a bit of a unique voice, and maybe not for everybody's taste, but I love to see someone doing something they so obviously love, it's joyous and puts a smile on my face. I hope it does the same for you!