Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Brit Wit

So I know I know, I haven't posted in a bit, okay, forever. So so sorry. Tons to talk about but I always find it so much easier for me to TALK than to write..but I will continue to try to post. Thanks to wonderful Adam for pushing me along. So today's post, simply: Why I love Brits. I'm not looking for the handsomest man-though if mighty Thor Chris Hemsworth likes older woman, who am I to say nay!-but what I am looking for, and what I do love in men is great wit! And those Brits have it in spades. Plus I really do love the accent..... So here for your viewing pleasure, two wonderful clips from The Trip with Steve Coogan and Rob Brydon (not quite as fun as The Wilde Boys doing Jersey Shore, but you get the idea- and ok technically those boys weren't Brits, they were Americans doing Brit accents, oh whatever....