Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The Kindness of Strangers........

Every now and then it's nice to be reminded that there are nice people out there. And every now and then it's nice when that reminder comes unexpectedly, like it did for me this Labor Day Holiday. Here's the set up: I'm trying to be good, live healthier (no more sex with guys on subways-I kid-I kid) you know eat better, exercise etc. Well for the past two summers for my weekend exercise I walk around a local pond, Horn Pond. It's nice, busy but not too crazy busy, and it's about 2.25 miles around if you go some of the back routes. Now I've gone from a slow walk, to a brisk walk to a slow jog (I think it's a slow jog!) and I'm trying to add distance as well. It hasn't been fun, and honestly, I don't enjoy it I just do it cause I have to. I have a good friend who fell into running and she loves it. Again, SO NOT ME. So there I was, Monday, exercising cause I should, begging for it to end cause it was muggy and felt like soup outside. I thought I'd walk round twice, but it was so freakin' hot, I started to run just to get it over with. Monday, was fairly busy so I'd gone by a few walkers, have gone by some joggers, and had been blown pass by some runners. About 3/4 way through I'm sweating my arse off, my sunglasses are glued to my eyeballs and I'm telling myself "it's almost over, god when is it going to end!" when to my left a female jogger starts to pass by in the opposite direction I'm going. We catch each others eye, I do the smile (grimace more like it at that point), and she smiles back and says, "Keep going!" all cheery but with a great deal of sympathy kinda sorta like "God, can't believe we're out here, might as well finish what we started." Well thank you miss lady jogger/runner. You made my day and put a real smile on my face. It was the small bit of encouragement that I needed, and I also felt a bit of a connection to someone too. Didn't expect it, didn't ask for it, but it was so nice to receive. It did get me through my jog, and though I didn't wake up today with a greater appreciation for running, jogging or for exercise in general (I'm not even going to begin to talk about the kettle ball routine I did this morning!) I guess I was reminded in a way that my task (to paraphrase the great Bill Belichick) "is what it is". There's no easy way out of exercising, and I may never get faster, better, or learn to enjoy it more, but sometimes you just gotta do it. And every now and then, getting a friendly push from someone can help you make it just a wee bit easier.....So while poor Blanche Dubois tried to depend on the kindness of strangers and got screwed, my experience with my stranger truly was kind. So,thank you!