Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Just some stuff...

If you want to laugh watch "Legend Quest" on the SyFy channel. (I hate that the SyFy channel felt as if they had to change their name to SyFY from SciFi really, that's gonna bring you in more viewers?). Anyway, "Legend Quest" is like Nickelondeon's "Legend of the Hidden Temple" + "Raiders of the Lost Ark" x Geraldo Rivera's "Mystery of Al Capones Vault"- Anything Michael Woods has hosted on PBS. In other words, you will spend an hour each week, watching someone traipse around the world, searching for historical artifacts that may or may not exist, and here's the kicker finding absolutely NOTHING. You will hear the host, who I swear is sporting a fake Scottish accent, talk excitedly to his female assistant about what they've discovered, which is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. I have honestly never laughed so hard in my life. "Imagine if this was the place that the spear that pierced Jesus was at. It would be a great discovery." But we can't search where we want to because 1) the land's protected 2) it's too delicate to dig 3) Pigs haven't started flying......well you get the idea. I loved watching a few episodes cause I think he's also actually making stuff up and adding things to already existing ledgends. Like Merlin-Everyone knows he's under stone, not in a glass tomb, that's SNOW WHITE...well anyway I encourage you all to check it out. Just to figure out how much money gets spent sending this guy to find again I'll note for you NOTHING!!!!!! PS watch Michael Woods stuff, at least he doesn't have the annoying assistant

Here's some links for fun!


