Thursday, March 24, 2011

Today's lesson Part one: Vocal Porn's not as bad as it reads, but I got your attention didn't I? I hope to post a note about the Live feed I saw last week about the National Theatre's production of "Frankenstein" directed by Danny Boyle and starring Benedict Cumberbatch and Jonny Lee Miller. I'm glad I saw it, and though I thought it was a flawed production with some major script issues, there were strong performances by the leads and some beautiful stage craft going on. Since I don't have my brain quite wrapped around what I'd like to say, I did want to point out the fact that right now Benedict Cumberbatch is my "go to" dude for Vocal porn. What do I mean exactly? Come on, you've experienced it I'm sure. Someone who's mere voice can bring quite a delightful feeling to you, perhaps a bit of melting or inducing heavy sighs by simply saying "Boo". Actually my test is if a person can make the alphabet sound sexy. Cumberbatch can do it, for goodness sake he makes a reading of "Jabberwocky" sound scintillating. Richard Burton is one for the ages, Alan Rickman's up there too (by the by, Cumberbatch does a pretty hilarious impersonation of Rickman reciting the lyrics of "Candle in the Wind"). Anyway, before I totally go far afield enjoy this link to Cumberbatch's reading of Jaberwocky.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Something for a rainy day.........

A little bit of Alarm harmonica, some Lone Justice sprinkled in and just a tiny bit of Bare Naked Ladies and tadah!- You've got the best song on Radio right now from The Decemberists. Something I thought fit in well with today's rainy weather...

Sunday, March 6, 2011

I've lost the plot....and boy am I glad I did

On March 6, 2010 at approximately 8:30 pm I lost the plot and have yet to get it back. Let me explain, I innocently had agreed to join my sister a few months before in seeing Muse. She liked their album "Black Holes and Revelations", I enjoyed it too, and hearing Adam Lambert (ok-shut up) sing Starlight, made me revisit the rest of their songs etc. Anyway, I figured sure, why not. Little did I know I would fall under the spell of a 5'5" 100 lb. wet Englishman named Matt Bellamy. I don't know if it was a combo of amazing singing, ridiculously fabulous guitar playing, brain burning from all of the lasers used in the show, or having my head bashed by the wall of sound that assaulted me throughout their show but I didn't just enjoy the concert, I became obsessed with Bellamy, and his bandmates and the wonder that is Muse. Since then I have not been able to let my obsession go, and yay say I. I guess it just had been a long time since I had felt that amazing oneness that music or a huge sports event (like the Sox in 2004, or Patriots in 2001) can sometimes bring to a crowd of people. And despite the fact that I was sharing Muse with 16,999 others at the TD Banknorth Garden I felt that they were playing only for me. And when I was able to get tkts to see them in California in Sept. thanks to a good friend of my best buddy Gina, well it was the same thing. I mean how much more glee can one get than sharing your amazement with someone about music that blows your mind either in the bathroom line (I love that at concerts!) and even more so with someone sitting next to you that you don't know but grabs you in the middle of a song and shouts, "This is the best F#$%ing Concert I've been to!!!", a riot. So thank you Muse and Matt Bellamy. You made me believe in rock again, you've helped keep me sane in crazy times, and most of all thank you for so far, one year later, for putting a bit of the sparkle back in me. Things can indeed go crazy, but if anyone sees a smile come on my face at work, at home or on the T know more likely than not know it's caused by the boys from Teignmouth Devon!