Monday, May 21, 2012

Give it that old College try......

This weekend I had a wonderful time visiting with friends at my College reunion. 25th reunion, yikes. It was so lovely to have a chance to spend time with friends that I don't always get a chance to see often anymore. It makes you think how many people travel through your life, that at moments are so close and then go on, live their lives, and maybe never have a chance to see again, or be as close to as you were. But you know what that's ok. What I took back with me this weekend was that for all of the time, and distance that can come between someone and friends, that once they truly are a friend , you'll always be comfortable with them. Maybe their paths have ended up being much different from yours and shared experiences no longer exist, but for the time they were in your life they were special, or significant in some way, and that means whenever you have a chance to reconnect with them, that, in and of itself is special. It's a time to look back and enjoy times past, but also a chance for you to be reflective about where you were and where you are. So thank you to Lisa and Laura, and Beth, and Carrie and Amy and Liz.  And to the others I said hello to and chatted with. A fine time had by all.......

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